Thursday, June 25, 2009

One of the great questions has always been where did I come from. Most groups believe that they (and everything else) was created by in a higher power.

Other groups noticing that everything changes over time coined the term evolution. The problem is that while evolution can explain a great deal about our planets past, it can not answer the above stated question. Life had to evolution from something.

In the beginning something had to create life. It comes down to would you rather think of yourself as a creation, or as a cosmic accident.


  1. Why does everything have to have been "purposefully created"....vs. just sitting back and seeing what happens?
    When my wife and I travel, we often don't make any real plans on where we will stay, or what we will see, just general ideas. We have had some of the greatest adventures and where we ended up at night was exactly where we were supposed to be. I have no idea what I missed in Spain (the last place we travelled) because we traveled this way...I know exactly what I experienced because we did...which was better, I have no idea, but I know I didn't worry about being on time to a specific place all day, or making wrong turns, because those ideas didn't exist. Therefore I just enjoyed seeing and experiencing everything along the way.

  2. So what would be the downside us making it up along the way? Afterall, if it is all already determined, then why not just sit in the room and watch TV and wait for whaterver is supposed to happen to happen?
